Create A Blog Using WordPress

WordPress was initially designed with blogging in mind; therefore, setting up a blog is very straightforward.

If you are creating a website to host blog posts, you just need to visit Posts > Add new. This will create the blog post and add it to your home page. The default set-up of WordPress displays the latest blog posts directly on the home page in date order. This means that the latest blog items you post will be at the top of the page.

You may want a more traditional home page for your website and place your blog posts on a separate page. In that case, you must create a page in Page > Add new and title it whatever you want your blog page to be called. ‘Blog’ is a popular option.

Once this page has been created, go to Settings > Reading and set your front page to be the page that you would like as your home page, then select the page that you want your blogs to be on in the ‘posts’ section, as shown underneath.

How to select home page & blog page in WordPress

Once this is done, every time you publish a new post, the post will be visible on the blog page that you have selected.

Different Categories On Pages

Sometimes there will be the need to have different pages that show different post categories. This could be a blogging site that wants different pages for different categories or a company that wants to have different blogs for news items and awards etc.

This can be done by adding a blog category to the menu bar. Unfortunately, this option isn’t always visible by default, so underneath, I will show you how to add this functionality.

First of all, go to Appearance > Menus. On the left-hand side are the different features you can use as menu items. For example, look to the screen’s top right if you cannot see post categories. Where it says ‘Screen options’, select the drop-down and see further options that may be unticked. Once the Post Category option is ticked, it will appear on the left-hand side menu options and make the categories available to select in your menu.

Adding post cetegories to WordPress menu

Now that the category option has been added, you can select the categories you want displayed in your menu bar and add them to the menu. Then, drag and drop to rearrange where the categories appear on the menu, and you’re done!

If you are unsure how to create or edit the menu, follow the link for our How to create & edit a menu bar blog post.

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