Client: We Buy Beatles
The Brief
We Buy Beatles are one of the UK’s largest independent Beatles and Rock and Roll memorabilia traders. Hundreds of items of memorabilia are listed on their website every month. We were tasked with creating a system that looked great for visitors, allowing people to upload images of their memorabilia items to be valued and allowed multiple team members to be able to list products quickly and easily.
We decided that the CodeIgnitor framework would be best to create a website that allows all of the functionality mentioned above, with a custom design rather than an off the shelf template.
Using PHP code we could create a web form that allows the upload of user images and connects them to the form sent, for easy valuations of items. The uploading of products can also be designed in a way that is much more user friendly and allows all the team to uplaod items at the same time.
The website was created in two parts. Back end functionality and front end design. The geeky bit of creating the functionality was performed by the development team in the Interact office and they did a great job! The products can now easily be added by all team members, sharing the work load much easier than before.
The products are also pushed out from one location to eBay, Amazon as well as the website. Due to the nature of one-off memorabilia items, these all needed to correspond with each other so that multiple sales of the same item couldn’t happen over different platforms. This integration with a third party provider was also accommodated within the website.
As an addition to the points above, we created a website that is remarkably fast. Using good web techniques (image optimising, web caching, minification etc) the website loads incredibly fast. This increases the likelihood of desireable actions taking place on the website.
Responsive Web Design
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