The 10 Best Ways to Reduce Adwords Spend

Google Adwords is a proven way of obtaining targeted leads. However, things can go wrong when the account is badly managed. Leading to visitors not getting what they expect and unnecessary spending for the advertiser.

Here are our Top Ten Tips on Reducing your Adwords Spend: 

1. Find And Set Negative Keywords

By looking at the ‘Search phrases’ report, you can see what people are typing, which may not be the same as your target Keywords. For example, a Broad match on the word ‘accountant’ will also pick up ‘accountant job’. Do you want to pay for people looking for work?

2. Ensure That All Adgroup Keywords And Ads Are Related

Separation of Keywords and Ads into closely targeting Adgroups is crucial to a successful Adwords Campaign. If a potential customer searches for ‘Google Adwords Agency’ and sees an Advert for ‘Website Designer’ at best, you’ll get a low CTR. At worst, you’ll attract customers who don’t want your products and services – costing you money!

3. Quarantine Low-Quality Score Keywords With High Impressions, Poor CTR And No Conversions

Did you know that Google Adwords scores your Keywords and uses them when deciding how much to charge you per click? It’s called the Quality Score and can be seen by turning on the column in the standard reports. The trick is placing keywords with a high score together in one Adgroup. That way, poor-performing terms won’t affect the good ones’ CPC (cost per click). Likewise, if a keyword has a poor CTR (click-through rate), put it with others that perform the same.

4. Manage Greedy Keywords, Or They’ll Spend All Your Money

It’s common for a small number of Keywords to spend a disproportionate ratio of the Campaign spending. In such events, better-performing Keywords (usually measured by conversion rates) will be starved of the spending they deserve.

5. If You Only Sell Locally, Only Advertise Locally

When setting up any Campaign, set the appropriate Geo-targeting settings. For example, if you only deliver your goods in Lancashire, don’t show your ads to people living outside of your target region.

6. Reduce bids during poor converting hours

By carefully monitoring your conversion times, you may see a pattern forming when sales are being made. For example, if most of your sales occur between 7-8 pm, consider dropping the bid price outside this period.

7. Set Bids On Good Average Position

Don’t try and gain position 1 all the time – unless you’ve got a huge budget. If you can get 30% more clicks for your budget by being No 3, then do it. You’ll receive a much better Cost Per Sale (or Acquisition) and lower spending.

8. Pause Keywords With High Bounce Rate Landing Pages

If you’re seeing that visitors are spending a relatively short time on your website, then perhaps these aren’t the keywords you should be targeting. Instead, they may be taking spend from better-performing Keywords.

9. Don’t Mix Search And Display

Google Display ads and Search ads make bad bed partners. As a rule, you should place them in separate Campaigns to better manage the spending and ensure that the quality scores of the different traffic types affect one another. A wrong decision can end up costing you higher Keyword CPCs.

10. Use Conversion Tracking

To make accurate decisions, you need to know when sales are being made and which keywords originated from. This involves adding some tracking code to your website, which your website designer will easily be able to do for you. Once in place, you’ll be able to see how many sales have been made and how much revenue they generated – from which you can see an accurate Cost Per Sale (CPS).

Please find out more on how we can optimise your site for Google Adwords here

We understand that these points may seem a little overwhelming to puck up and start doing, which is why we offer bespoke Adwords (PPC) training to help guide you through with our expert trainer.

Our experts are Adwords certified, meet the requirements to become a Google partner and have been working with Google Adwords for years. We understand how to turn an expensive PPC campaign into a successful one that generates sales and leads. Follow the link above to find more details about our training programme and how to book.

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